- Address:
- 17326 Highway 3
Webster, Texas 77598 - Phone Number:
- 713.364.5293
- Email Address:
- Info@teambeau.us
- Website URL:
- https://www.americanmuscleandfitness.com
- Instagram Handle:
- @americanmuscle_and_fitness
- Facebook URL:
- facebook.com/americanmuscleandfitness.teambeau
Online and in-person health, fitness, and contest prep coaching. We welcome individuals of all experience levels.
Coach Beau is an Army veteran and is professionally certified as both a sports nutritionist and an exercise science coach with a decade in the industry serving individuals from all walks of life. He and his wife live and breathe the lifestyle they preach with passion every single day as role models to their clientele and representatives of the fitness & nutrition industry.
As an online or in-person program member, you will receive:
– Personal accountability in all areas of your lifestyle directly from Coach Beau.
– A comprehensive, evolving program covering all aspects of health and fitness.
– Dedicated, certified sports nutrition management.
– Private gym in Webster, Texas tailored to your needs.
– Detailed and personally tailored meal planning and workout regimen
– Cardio, supplementation, sleep, and water management
– Personalized weekly check-in portal
– Weekly check-in video critiques, program revisions, and progress assessments from Coach Beau.
– Text and email support, scheduling, and autopay invoicing
– Contest prep guidance and support for NPC/IFBB bikini athletes
Please feel free to email or message us with any questions!